Monroe County Middle College (MCMC)
The Monroe County Middle College (MCMC) is a collaboration between the Monroe County Intermediate School District, the Monroe County Community College, and the nine local public school districts. MCMC is a five-year public school that offers a comprehensive curriculum culminating in a high school diploma, up to 60 transferable college credits, a professional certificate, and/or an Associate’s Degree.
Parent Information Night Info - January 9 & 22, 2025
2025 Thirft Shop Assoc. Scholarship
New Student Application Information & Materials - 2025-2026 School Year
The application for Monroe County Middle College is now available. The deadline to apply is Friday, February 28, 2025 at 3:00 pm. The applications will be completed online this year through a program called ScriptApp.
MCMC Information Night January 2025
Please watch the Zoom recording for instructions to complete the application. (Application Tutorial)
Please click below for the ScriptApp to complete the application. Please note, there are two ScriptApps to the ScriptApp below. Both are accessed through the same link. Please watch the above screencast for a better explanation.
Application ScriptApp
2025-2026 Application ScriptApp
Each student must submit two (2) recommendation forms. At least one must be from a recent teacher, counselor, administrator, etc. You may choose to have a community member, coach, etc. who is not related to you complete the other. These forms can be submitted three different ways. Have the person making the recommendation:
A. Complete the recommendation through ScriptApp (provide the recommender with the link below)
B. Complete the recommendation and email it to:
C. Complete the recommendation and mail it or drop off to:
Monroe County Community College
C/O Monroe County Middle College
Monroe, MI 48161
Please watch this Zoom recording for information on different ways to submit the letters of recommendation.
If you are having the recommender complete the recommendation form via ScriptApp please provide them with this link.
Recommendation Letter submit via ScriptApp
If you are having the recommender complete the recommendation form through email or postal mail please share the recommendation form PDF.
If you need a paper application, please contact Robert Krueger at 734-342-8751 or
If your student would like to experience a typical day at MCMC before applying, they may shadow a current student. Please complete the Shadow Packet if your student would like to participate. Once the shadow packet is completed, please email it back to MCMC for a final day to shadow.
The vision of Monroe County Middle College is to provide a distinct early/middle college opportunity through a personalized educational experience that transforms students into college and career ready individuals in a supportive environment embedded on a college campus.
The mission of Monroe County Middle College is to empower students to create their own path while earning their high school diploma and up to 60 college credits, a professional certificate, and/or an Associate’s Degree.
In pursuit of this mission, MCMC will…
- deliver high-quality instruction that intentionally prepares our students for college-level classes
- teach students collaboration, communication, self-advocacy, and time management skills
- develop a 5-year plan with students allowing for personalized educational experiences and gradual entry into college classes
- provide college and career advising and one-on-one support to all students
- promote community engagement and responsibility through service
About Us
MCMC is a five-year public school that offers a comprehensive curriculum culminating in a high school diploma, up to 60 transferable college credits, a professional certificate, and/or an Associate’s Degree.
All high school classes are taught by MCMC’s staff of highly qualified, Michigan-certified teachers, and all dual enrollment college classes are taught by MCCC professors and adjunct faculty.
Students typically enter MCMC in 9th grade, but students may also enter in 10th and 11th grade, pending available space. The application process begins at the end of January and ends at the beginning of March. Any student residing in Monroe County is eligible to apply. Many charter, parochial, and homeschool students attend MCMC, as well as students who attended middle school in one of the nine local school districts.
When students initially apply to MCMC, they will select a STEM or Medical focus. However, students are able to choose from a wide range of classes, programs, and degrees once they are dual enrolled with the college, which typically begins in Winter of 10th grade. Some degree programs include Nursing, Welding, Accounting, Automotive Service Technology, Fine Arts, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Criminal Justice and Business Management. After graduation, many students plan to attend a four-year college/university, so they also work to fulfill the requirements of the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA). Check out MCCC’s course catalog for a full list of academic programs and more information about transfer pathways.
By the summer of 2022, Monroe County Middle College students earned a cumulative total of 28,168 college credits. By the end of 2022, this number will increase to over 30,000 credits.
History of MCMC
Monroe County Middle College opened on September 8th, 2009, with an initial cohort of 38 students. Those students made up the first graduating class of 2014. The 2022 - 23 school year marked the 14th year of MCMC, which has grown to serve approximately 350 students in grades 9 - 13. Our staff has also grown from 2.5 teachers, a dean, and a principal in 2009 to its current staff of 10 teachers, a school counselor, a secretary, a dean, and a principal.
The Monroe County Middle College started as a grant program led by Mr. Robert Krueger (current MCMC Principal), Dr. Stephen McNew (current MCISD Superintendent), and Dr. Donald Spencer (retired MCISD Superintendent). After an open town hall with the public in the Fall of 2007, a State of Michigan Health/Science planning grant was awarded to MCMC for its first two years of operation (2009 - 2011).
During its first two years of operation, MCMC had a split campus between the MCCC campus and Promedica. By its third year of operation, MCMC was operated entirely on the MCCC campus, which is where it still resides.
In 2011, Monroe County Middle College received approval to award the Michigan
Early/Middle College Association Technical Certificate. This is following approval of MCMC’s College Readiness Curriculum by the MEMCA Leadership Council with ongoing evaluation of its curriculum.
In 2019, MCMC was recognized as Supporter of the Year by Monroe County Community College for their partnership.
Contact Information and Location
All MCMC offices and classrooms are located on the Monroe County Community College campus.
Administrative offices are located in the basement of the Campbell Learning Center (C Building). Normal office hours are Monday - Friday from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm.
- Main office is in C14.
- Mrs. Jenkins is in C8.
- Mrs. Sexton is in C7.
- Mr. Krueger is in C6.
Staff can be reached at 734-342-8750.
- To reach Robert Krueger, Principal, you will press 1.
- To reach Megan Sexton, Dean of Student Services, you will press 2.
- To reach Michele Jenkins, Counselor, you will press 3.
- To report an absence, you will press 4 and leave a message.
Bell Schedule & Office Hours
Bell Schedule & Office Hours
MCMC offices are open M - F from 7:00am - 3:00pm.
Students attend class M - F from 7:45am - 2:20pm.
Bell Schedule
1st 7:45 - 8:45 am
2nd 8:50 - 9:50 am
3rd 9:55 - 10:55 am
Lunch for 9th 10:55 - 11:25 am
4th (10th) 11:00 - 12:00 pm
4th (9th) 11:25 - 12:25 pm
Lunch for 10th 12:00 - 12:30 pm
5th 12:30 - 1:30 pm
6th 1:35 - 2:20 pm
School Closings & Delays
MCMC uses Infinite Campus Instant Alert. This system is automatically tied to the primary number in Home Access Center. If that number needs to be changed please log into Home Access Center and click on the "Update Registration" option. In addition to this robo call, you can monitor the MCISD homepage and/or Facebook page.
MCMC will close when the Monroe County Community College closes (due to inclement weather) OR at the discretion of the Monroe County ISD Superintendent. In order to keep up with MCCC closing information, it is recommended you register for the AlertNow system used by MCCC. Every effort will be made to make a decision by 6:00 am.
Graduation Requirements
Monroe County Middle College is a 5-Year Early Middle College High School. Students graduate at the end of Year 5 with a high school diploma, up to 60 college credits, a professional certificate, and/or an Associate’s Degree.
All students will complete a 5-Year Plan with the help of their advisor. Plans are adjustable based on student needs and requests, but they act as a roadmap for students to achieve their specific goals. Students will also keep track of their progress each year by discussing their Graduation Audit with their advisor.
Extracurricular Opportunities
MCMC offers a wide range of extracurricular opportunities to students, including:
- Chess Club
- Debate
- eSports
- Graduation Task Force
- MEMCA Student Leadership
- National Honor Society
- Quiz Bowl
- SPLT/#iMatter
- Student Activities Committee
- Table Top Games
- Yearbook
MCMC also hosts an annual Homecoming Dance and Senior Prom.
Additionally, students are able to participate in MCCC’s extracurricular opportunities once they are dual enrolled, such as student government, drama, and robotics. Visit the MCCC website for a full list of student clubs and organizations. Students are also eligible to participate in study abroad programs offered through the college once dual enrolled.
Student Handbook
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Early/Middle College (EMC)?
An EMC is five-year high school and college experience where students obtain a high school diploma, up to 60 college credits, a professional certificate, and/or an Associate’s Degree.
What is the difference between an Early Middle College High School like MCMC and an EMC program?
An EMC High School is a stand-alone public high school, while an EMC program is a high school program designed to serve less than 100% of the high school population. MCMC is unique to Monroe County as it is an Early Middle College High School.
Does it cost anything to attend MCMC?
No. MCMC is a public school that serves students who reside in Monroe County.
Once I dual enroll, do I have to pay for college tuition, books, or other materials?
MCMC pays for up to 60 college credits and covers all required textbooks and materials for those classes. MCMC is also a 1:1 technology school, so all students are provided with a laptop to use for the duration of their time at MCMC.
Can I still participate in high school athletics in my resident district?
Yes. However, please note that MCMC is a 5-Year program, but athletic eligibility is only through Grade 12 (Year 4). This is important for students who may plan to pursue college scholarships in their sport as students are not eligible to graduate until they complete Year 5.
What about extracurricular activities?
Students can participate in activities at their local high school, at MCMC or, once dual enrolled, at MCCC.
Do college credits earned at MCCC transfer to other colleges or universities?
Yes, in general. There are always exceptions to universities accepting college credits.
What is the MCMC school year?
It is a typical high school calendar, starting in September and ending in June. However, MCMC students must also follow the MCCC calendar once they are dual enrolled.
Does MCMC offer transportation?
No. Transportation is the responsibility of the family. Many students/families opt to carpool.
How can I find out more information before applying?
Every January, MCMC hosts two informational nights for interested students and their families. Dates and times will be posted prior to the event. We also allow potential students to spend a day shadowing one of our current students before applying. For more information on shadowing and to schedule a shadow day for your student, please email Rob Krueger or Megan Sexton.
External Links:
ProMedica Regional Monroe Hospital Website
Order Transcripts:
The ordering button above provides current students and alumni the ability to order and send your MCMC transcript electronically through Parchment.