Special Education

Special Education Overview


The Special Education Department supports students, families, local education agencies (LEAs) and the community by offering high quality education, programming, and services.


Whole Child

Student engagement and achievement are the focus of the Special Education Department. Independence, academic, and employability skills, which are transferable into real-world settings, are the foundation of the work within the department. Social and emotional well-being, which allows students to build relationships within the community, are critical to the work we do. Additionally, instructional/assistive technology is utilized to fully engage students in 21st century learning opportunities, which are intentionally designed to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s world.


In the school setting, we develop and implement programs and provide services that impact the culture of schools and include children with different abilities within inclusive learning environments.


Partnerships with community agencies and businesses link mental health and well-being with independence after graduation.


Family engagement and education opportunities empower caregivers to continue and reinforce the High Leverage Practices their children are exposed to and advocacy for the needs of the child.


We support staff curiosity, creativity, and well-being by providing resources, leadership, and learning opportunities to enrich lives & careers.