Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

The Monroe County Intermediate School District (MCISD) recognizes that assistive technology can eliminate barriers and enable students with impairments to be participating and contributing members of society.

We believe that all students with impairments in Monroe County are entitled to equal access to the technology needed to ensure appropriate educational opportunities.

What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive technology (AT) device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability. The term does not include a medical device that is surgically implanted, or the replacement of such device.

  • Complete AT Consideration Process Guide with the IEP team to decide if AT is required. Review the consideration outcomes and decide whether or not assistive technology is required. Upload the AT Consideration Guide into the current IEP year as a file-based document and title it “2024-2025 AT Consideration Guide.”
  • Request Assistive Technology Device before beginning trial period (if necessary). If it’s already been determined to be part of the student’s IEP, then document it in the Special Factors/Supplementary Aids and complete an Assistive Technology Plan.
  • Print the MCISD Device Loan Agreement for Home Use Form if the student plans on taking assistive technology home.  Please email completed form to or complete the online version with the QR code/web link listed on the form. 

After the trial period is complete and it’s been determined that the student requires assistive technology:

Document Required Assistive Technology devices and/or services in the IEP. 

If you’ve determined that the student accomplishes the required tasks within the relevant instructional or access areas with assistive technology that has been determined educationally necessary and is currently in place, then document required assistive technology devices and services in the IEP.

  • Provide a good narrative in the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance section regarding current assistive technology usage and needs.
  • On the Special Factors, Supplementary Aids and Assessments page, check YES in the box for “Communication needs.”
  • On the Special Factors, Supplementary Aids and Assessments page, indicate what type of assistive technology is required in general terms. For example, you could write, “Augmentative
  •  and Alternative Communication (AAC) Device.” Indicate the frequency/timeline and location.
  • Complete and/or Update the Assistive Technology Plan. Upload the AT Plan into the current IEP year as a file-based document and title it “2024-2025 Assistive Technology Plan.” This should be updated and uploaded yearly.
  • Schedule Coaching or Consultation Visits with the Assistive Technology Team for further assistance.

Find self-paced learning tutorials, hands-on activities, how-to videos, and resources to build technology skills including free learning modules and professional development courses.  Learn about a variety of topics that promote best practices. For more information on assistive technology tutorials, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) apps and software, core vocabulary resources/activities, switch access, and visual impairment apps and software, visit Resources and Information.

  • Communication Devices (augmentative and alternative communication) can be loaned to students from MCISD. To request a communication device, please follow the steps for Assistive Technology Device Request Form.
  • The Assistive Technology Department does not provide iPads for academic use (e.g., 1 to 1 devices). If you are looking for an iPad to supplement a student’s education, please contact
  • Schedule Coaching or Consultation Visits with the Assistive Technology Team for student, staff, and/or parent/caregiver training.

Tobii Dynavox On-Demand Learning

Time invested in quality training is always well spent. Discover our Learning Hub and grow your knowledge and skills at your own pace - whether you’re a parent, caregiver, clinician, educator or augmented communicator yourself. Many of our resources also offer the option to earn ASHA CEUs (continuing education units).

21 Things 4 Educators

The 21 Things 4 Educators site's goal is to provide a single site of free resources and tutorials which meet the ISTE, International Society for Technology in Education, standards, and offer any-time training to be used for professional development. Its resources are designed to serve a variety of models for professional development. This is a companion site, to 21 Things 4 students, that is now being funded and managed by the Macomb ISD in Michigan.


EduPaths is a free professional development portal for all Michigan educators, funded by the Michigan Department of Education.

AAC Learning Journey

Whether you’re a clinician, educator, family member or caregiver, we’ve got the training and education you need to help your AAC communicators. We provide professional, engaging live and recorded training that will enable you to learn and implement effective AAC strategies no matter where or how you provide them.

AssistiveWare's Online Learning

Are you an SLP looking for AAC training? Are you new to using an AAC app? We have online learning that is perfect for you. Connect with our AAC experts in live webinars or learn at your own pace with online video.

ableU Professional Development

All ableU professional development sessions are recorded and posted to our ableU YouTube channel. Hundreds of on-demand sessions are available for you to view 24/7. These sessions do not provide ASHA CEUs.