Educational Technology
Educational Technology
In 1997 a one-mill countywide technology millage was approved by the voters of Monroe County; the first in the state of Michigan. In 2001 the millage was renewed at slightly less than one mill at .9963. In 2006 a renewal of this millage was approved for .9866 mill (less than a single mill); which was again renewed in 2011, 2016. and 2021. The funds from this millage are distributed to each local district on a per pupil basis and can only be used to support technology in our schools. Additionally, with the renewal in 2021, legislation changed to allow public school charter academies and the Middle College to benefit from these funds.
As a result of the technology millage, the manner in which instruction is delivered to our students has changed.
In 2018, Public Act 23 amended Section 705 of the Revised School Code to allow public school academies (PSAs) and intermediate school districts (ISDs) to receive a portion of the revenue generated from a regional enhancement millage approved or renewed on or after May 15, 2018. With this legislative change, the MCISD, Triumph Academy and New Bedford Academy will now benefit from the millage renewal funds.
Evolution of Instructional Technology in Monroe County as Result of the Technology Millage and Renewals since 1997
Since 1997, the Monroe County Technology Enhancement Millage has afforded the school districts in Monroe County the ability to provide students with the most up-to-date educational technology.
Click the image at right to review this growth within all nine local school districts.
Monroe County Technology Strategic Plan
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the public schools in Monroe County to prepare all students to effectively use technology.
Vision Statement
It is the vision of the public schools in Monroe County to drive continuous learning and innovation through the use of technology.
Goal: Teaching and Learning
GOAL 1: Engage students to explore, design, and create.
• Make devices available for all students
• Integrate technology in the classroom to prepare students to be proficient and responsible digital citizens
• Utilize technology to evaluate, create, synthesize, analyze, and problem solve
• Apply knowledge efficiently and effectively
GOAL 2: Empower educators to infuse technology into an enhanced learning environment.
• Adopt and incorporate digital curriculum resources
• Model technology use to evaluate, create, synthesize, analyze, and problem solve
• Provide professional learning opportunities that meet the needs of the staff
• Leverage technology resources for formative, interim, and summative assessments
• Design learning experiences that support higher order thinking through the use of technology
Goal: Infrastructure
GOAL 1: Ensure infrastructure is current and driven by the curriculum.
• Participate in national and state grants to further support hardware, internet services and device purchasing.
• Hold committee meetings between curriculum and technology to ensure infrastructure meets curriculum and school improvement needs.
• Monitor infrastructure to ensure optimum performance.
GOAL 2: Administer technical support and expertise to maintain the infrastructure.
• Provide meetings and trainings throughout the year to share expertise across the districts.
• Share best practices to facilitate support and knowledge across districts
• Utilize communication tools to collaborate across the county and the state.
• Provide staffing for technical support
Goal: Communication
GOAL: Effectively communicate to all stakeholders the impact of technology.
• Utilize print and social media to keep all stakeholders informed
The MCISD has worked closely with each local school district to create informational videos to show how students use technology in the classroom. Please enjoy the videos below.
Airport Community Schools (2021)
Bedford Public Schools (2021)
Dundee Community Schools (2021)
Dundee Community Schools (Bock, 2021)
Mason Consolidated Schools (2021)
Whiteford Agricultural Schools - Kwasniak 2021
Whiteford Agricultural Schools - Rodgers 2021
Transcripts for each video can be available upon request to Christopher Slat at