Regional Data Initiative Grant

Regional Data Initiative (RDI) Grant Information

The Monroe County Intermediate School District (MCISD) has received nearly $150,000 under an ARRA-RDI Grant. All ISDs and RESAs across Michigan have joined one of eight RDI consortia in order to share resources and knowledge efficiently and effectively. MCISD has joined the Pearson Inform consortium which is led by Oakland Schools. Other Pearson Inform consortium members include Lapeer ISD, Mecosta-Osceola ISD, Ingham ISD, and Charlevoix-Emmet ISD. Districts represented by these ISDs use Pearson Inform as their student assessment data warehouse tool. Assessment and technology leaders from across this consortium, and from all consortia across the state, have been actively and frequently meeting and collaborating on the goals of the RDI grant:

  • To provide Michigan teachers with real-time access to student data at the classroom level

  • To determine how to best use the assessment and data access programs that are currently in place

  • To provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction

  • To build on professional development for using data

  • To inform instruction and enable educators individualize instruction

  • To improve implementation of principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

All nine local public school districts in Monroe County are RDI grant participants. They have agreed to:

  • Participate in the grant during the 2009-10, 2010-11, and 2011-12 school years

  • Participate in professional development related to using data to improve instruction

  • Use data to impact instruction at the classroom level

  • Use data from their student information system (demographic data) in connection with data and/or assessment tools such as Pearson Inform

  • Collect and submit evaluation data such as surveys of staff and provide additional data to assist the MDE in determining the effectiveness of the Regional Data Initiative grant

  • Give permission for their data to be used by the Regional Data Initiatives project for research purposes of improving education policy and practice and the preparation of teachers

  • Use a common set of standards to determine personnel technology skill level with all instructional staff observed and reported in the Registry of Educational Professionals (REP)

  • Use a common set of assessment items to determine 8th graders' technological literacy


Assistant Superintendent

Director of Research, Evaluation and Assessment

Kathleen Berry
Director of Research, Evaluation and Assessment